Running any .exe Application as an background service using Windows.

Steve Oscar
Jan 15, 2021
  1. Download windows server 2003 resource kit tools from Here and install it to C Drive/Tools.
Windows Server 2003

2. Run Cmd as Adminstrator. Paste C:\tools\instsrv.exe Plex C:\tools\srvany.exe [Replace Plex to any Service name such as your AppName]

Command Promt

3. Open Regedit. Go to LOCAL_MACHINE>System>Control Set> Services> serviceName or

paste this Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Plex(Service Name)

4. Create new key and name it Parameters. Then, create a new StringValue named Application(Edit Value data to Location to .exe file) and click OK.

5. Run services.msc (Optional)

Start the service and it will Works


For Windows XP, Windows 10 and later version

[To be Noted] To create any service from the current windows open cmd you can use the following commands:

SC CREATE <ServiceName> Displayname= <ServiceName> binpath= “C:\<Location>” start= auto

SC Delete ServiceName
sc qc MyService

net start ServiceName

net stop ServiceName



Steve Oscar

Tech Expert, Blogger, Enthusiastic about People (CSE) (Engineer)