The Amazing Secret of participating in the MUN Conferences

Steve Oscar
3 min readAug 28, 2021
Victory of IIUM Delegation in Model United Nations Conference

Model United Nations(MUN) is an astonishing portrayal of what happens in the United Nations where student functions as the acting delegates of different countries in bringing their perspective in order to bring breakthrough solutions not only to their own lives but also in solving dire political situation such as war and conflict. In simpler terms its a Debate on global world issues.

How MUN Debates are carried out and why its hard?

What makes it challenging is the time-sensitive aspects of it. In the first section of the debate, delegates are advised to bring world issues for discussion and argument about the causes. Each representative is given 1 min to speak on the topic decided by the democratic vote of the majority. After which, the chair closes the section and moves to the next part of the conference, which is the informal section. The delegates leave their respective chairs and look for countries they can ally with. For instance, the delegate of Saudi Arabia generally allies with the US as they have similar economic interests. The task of forming individual groups is due to taking opposite sides for the solution of a problem is by no means easy. In the given time limit for the interaction, drafts regarding social and economic sanctions may be prepared where all the members of the team need to have unanimous consent. One may ask, how can we know for sure that we will support the resolution. To that, I would answer “Look at the Position Paper” those are the policy you would tend to agree with. Use Common sense for the creative ones.

Second Half of the Debate

As the informal session Ends, the chair kindly asks the delegates to take their respective seats. Now is the most significant part of the MUN Conference. It is time for the Delegates to vote to change the world, whether the draft resolutions will pass. According to the rules, you need a 2/3 majority for a draft resolution to follow. That means for the UN to adopt this resolution, delegates must set aside their difference and work for the welfare of all. Often tense debates are conducted to remove and add points and contingency into the draft resolutions. If the draft passes, it’s good for the world, and the MUN Conference Session ends. It’s a summary of some of the nuisances experienced at the conference.

Why participating at MUN could be a good Idea?

Attending a MUN conference is a great way of improving your debating skills as well as your English. During my time in Malaysia, I was quite jealous of my Malayan friend, who could speak with an old-fashioned Winston Churchill British Accent. I thought it was due to his bachelor’s subject of English Literature. When I pressed him, he told me it was due to him practicing hours and hours in front of the mirror, listening to and imitating British phrases and Documentaries. Besides, the people you met at these social events are your friends for life. It’s nice to have friends living in other parts of the world. There are prizes at the end of the day. It’s only a recognition certificate that states you were the Best Delegate in the room. The connections and experience are what ultimately matter.

The Significant Notes of our Delegation that we made (Word Document .docx)

I have a parting gift that I think will help you guys out a lot. It’s the notes of our 15-page position paper. Hope you guys love it and use it for your next Amazing MUN Conference. (Topic on Terrorism, WMD and Refugee Crisis)

Download MUN Notes



Steve Oscar

Tech Expert, Blogger, Enthusiastic about People (CSE) (Engineer)